To register a team you need to contact Gustav Sörnäs who is responsible för the LiU-contest in the ICPC system. He can be reached via email (, in our Discord server, on the warmup contest on October 2nd in (or in the vicinity of) Cafe Java, or during the meetup on October 5th in Cafe Java.

Team registration should be made before or on Thursday October 7th. To make the organizing easier, please include whether you or your team is ICPC-eligible. Read more about this further down on this page.

You can also contact Gustav if you're alone or you have a team with two people and are looking for an additional teammate.

Here is information about Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest 2021. The competition will take place October 9th.


Important dates:

Schedule October 9th:


Because of the circumstances the arrangers have decided to host a hybrid competition similar to last year. This means that teams that want to compete from home, and all other teams, can use one computer per person instead of the usual one computer per team.

LiTHe kod will provide access to computer labs, free lunch and baloons for solved problems during the competition. But because the rules above it is not a must for participating. For those on campus the day starts 10:00am in Ada Lovelace, entrance 27 in the B-house, with information about the rules and some words from our sponsors. Contestants contesting from home will have a stream in our Discord server.

There will also be a warmup one week before the competition (October 2nd) with start ~11:00am. The warmup competition will be on Kattis for anyone who wants to test out the system. Come and ask questions about competetive programming or NCPC! There is not specific schedule, so if you wonder about how competetive programming actually works, this is the time to ask. (You can of course ask us on regular meetups as well.)

Qualification for NWERC can only be offered to teams that are qualified for ICPC, meaning all team members:

Last updated: 2023-04-28