
Twice a year, once in spring and once in fall, a "stormöte" is held in accordance with the bylaws. During the fall meeting the previous financial year is walked through by presenting the previous board's report ("verksamhetsberättelse"), financial report ("ekonomiska berättelse") and the auditor's review followed by a decision on discharge from liability ("beslut om ansvarsfrihet"). During the spring meeting the next financial year's board is voted on.

Since the meetings are held in Swedish, information about the next meeting can be found on the Swedish version of this page.

Old protocols (in Swedish) can be found in the archive on our GitLab.

Spring meeting 2024

The "stormöte" will be held the 2 July at 6:15 pm in Ada Lovelace. All members may participate and vote. Below is the agenda for the meeting.

  1. Election of meeting chairman
  2. Election of meeting secretary
  3. Election of adjuster and vote counter
  4. Establishment of the voting list
  5. Decision on the statutory announcement of the meeting
  6. Establishment of the agenda
  7. Board's activity report
  8. Board's financial report
  9. Auditor's preliminary review of the fiscal year
  10. Election of chairman 24/25
  11. Election of vice chairman 24/25
  12. Election of treasurer 24/25
  13. Election of activity manager 24/25
  14. Election of other board members
  15. Election of game jam manager 24/25
  16. Election of auditor 24/25
  17. Establishment of the association's budget 24/25
  18. Establishment of membership fee 24/25
  19. Motions and propositions
  20. Other matters

Last updated: 2024-06-26