The Board

The board of LiTHe kod consists of a number of board members elected at the spring meeting. Board members make decisions about the association's activities and prepare general meetings. Among the board members, there are roles such as chair, vice chair, treasurer, and activity leader, who take on a bit of extra responsibility. In addition to the board members, there is an auditor who reviews the year's activities.

LiTHe kod's board manages a competition site for NCPC, sends competitors to NWERC, participates in Advent of Code, hosts events with companies, and has a space in Kårallen where they can work on projects.

For additional information, you can read the association's bylaws.


The chair is the head of the association. It is the chair's responsibility to represent the association and serve as its contact person. The chair leads the organization and ensures that the association's activities are conducted in accordance with its purpose and bylaws.

Vice Chair

As vice chair, you are somewhat of a jack-of-all-trades for the association. Additionally, the vice chair serves as a substitute for the chair in case the chair is unable to attend meetings.


The treasurer is responsible for the association's finances. This includes preparing a budget, keeping the association's accounts, paying invoices, monitoring the association's assets, and presenting the association's financial status at each general meeting.

Activity Leader

The activity leader's responsibility is to organize and inform about activities. Many activities are managed by group leaders, and it is the activity leader's responsibility to ensure that group leaders have the resources they need to carry out the activities and to act as the contact person for the group leaders.

Group Leaders

The association engages in various activities. To facilitate the organization of each activity, the association appoints different group leaders whose roles are to organize and lead activities.

LiU Game Jam

LiU Game Jam is one of the cornerstones of the association's activities. As the group leader for LiU Game Jam, it is your task to organize and lead game jams. Usually, three game jams are held per year: Spring Game Jam, Global Game Jam, and Fall Game Jam. Organizing a game jam is no small task, and you have organizers to assist you in planning and executing the event.

Last updated: 2024-06-29